30 January 2009

Memory Lane

So, those of you who facebook have inevitably seen the "25 random things about me" note floating around. It got me thinking and I decided to post some random pictures of me that remind me of funny (if, perhaps only to me) stories that accompany them. I hope you enjoy... but if not, I at least had a great time meandering down memory lane.

<---The first picture is of me at about 6 months old. I was born with a thick head of jet black hair... and then bit by bit i lost it ALL and was blad for quite some time. My mother tells me that she would take my hat off and there would just be big chucks of hair in them. My hair did eventually grow back (thankfully) but it grew back significantly lighter, almost blonde and then darkened to the brilliant brunette that it is today. Strangely, the one color I wish my hair were is the only color it hasn't been.... :)
--->This is not a particularly clear picture, but it one of the few I could find that had me with this stuffed animal. His name was Marzipan. And he was one of my absolute favorites. I got him for Easter when I was two, or near to two.
<---I'm not sure why, but this is my absolute favorite picture of me as a child. I don't even know where it was taken. School perhaps? I don't know...seems to good to be a school pic. I think it is the necklace. I remember that necklace and I remember thinking it was the most beautiful thing in the world. I was two in this picture as well. I don't think I look anything the same now. --->This was me in my room when I was about four years old. And that is Mother Goose sitting on my bed :) You could lift up one of her wings and it was a tape player She would read a story, her mouth would move with the words and there were books you could follow along with... six of them i think. I LOVED her. She didn't last long because she had no handle and so kids typically picked her up by the neck and it broke her. I kept mine in a basket, so I still have her in my closet and she still works... I hope it still works when/if I have kids. By the way, yes, I realize I just referred to a toy as a her, but when I was four I believed she was a her... not just a toy :)
<--- I was about four here as well. Our family (me, my parents, my aunt and uncle, and once they had her, my cousin) all would go to the beach every summer for many years. This was one of the first years I really remember going. I remember that i felt so beautiful in that big yellow hat and with a suit that had a skirt on the back AND a bow... I just thought there could be nothing prettier.
--->I was five here. The picture itself isn't that special, but I remember the day quite well. My mom wanted some black and white pictures of me so she had me dress up in all sorts of outfits and she took my picture... a lot. I remember liking this one and one where i put on as many pieces of jewelry as I could find. I think she has that one framed in her house.
<---This picture has two stories. The first is the doll I'm holding. It was my favorite doll the entire time growing up. Her name was Samantha... I named all my dolls either Samantha or Elizabeth, and called them all either Sam or Lizzie. The second thing is the fact that I had the chicken pox. I was in the first grade. I got out at noon for Christmas break and me, my mom, aunt and cousin all went shopping and i complained that my back was itching... it was the chicken pox... and it took exactly 2 weeks to get over, i never missed a single day of school. Go figure.
--->This was also when I was in the first grade. It was the only year I actually took dance lessons. I decided to take piano instead because my 6 year old brain thought it was more practical. I danced in the recital to 2 numbers Tap - the song was "five foot two" and ballet - the song was "mickey mouse's birthday party" Yes, I thought the song was stupid when I was 6 too.
<--- This was my first time to ever wear hair rollers. I thought I was officially all grown up. I still remember how it felt outside as I took the picture.
---> This was nothing but a total and complete Diva moment. But it was out of character for me and I think it is hilarious that it was captured on film.
<---This was a picture of me in kindergarten, I'm not sure of the year. I have no idea as to the reason, but I simply refused to smile. I don't know if I was mad, or upset, it seems I was just stubborn.
---> When I was in the second grade I got really really sick. It started from an allergic reaction to cigarette smoke (which, by the way I am quite allergic to). I ended up with Microplasma. I would just lay in bed for days at a time not sleeping, just laying. Or I would get up walk across the room, get a book, then be too exhausted to read it so i'd have to rest first. I missed close to a month of school and whn I came back it could only be for a few hours at a time. Picture day was one of those days and my eyes tell how tired and sick I was.
<---The picture on the far left is a picture me dressed up as a doll. I was going to be in my first church musical and I was so excited, but I got sick the day after that picture was taken and never got to be in it. I was however in the next musical. I sang a song.. I don't remember the name of but one of the lines was "down in a creek bank by the old holler log" - That song still gets in my head from time to time.
--->These were taken at my seventh birthday party. I was obsessed with Elvis and my dad had a plumber friend who was also an Elvis impersonator. and so I had an Elvis birthday party. I was in absolute Heaven. I liked Elvis so much at this age that I even had Elvis trading cards. Yes, the dorkiness started early with me :)

There are probably more pics with much funnier stories, But these will do for now. Thanks for going down memory lane with me. Hope you enjoyed the ride :)


Stephanie Jimes said...

I know that musical with "down by the creek bank." I think that is actually the title & that was one of the main songs. I loved that one!!!! I still remember even more of the lines! How funny

Mrs. Filly said...

thats pretty hilarious I love it :)

Unknown said...

Thanks. I had fun going through those pictures :)