26 September 2005

Thank goodness it's Monday!

Today is Monday, Sept. 26, the 269th day of 2005. There are 96 days left in the year.

I know that the expression "Thank goodness it's MONDAY" is not used very often as its sister phrase, "thank goodness it's friday" so allow me to explain. Last week was, shall we say not the best week ever. I had an obscene amount of homework and three test (in two days). In the midst of trying to be at the library at this time, be at this building for an extra study session, be here for this and there for that, my car decides that it needed a break. In fact it decided it needed to die. But thankfully I have nice friends who were willing to cart me around until I got it fixed. (It turned out to be that the battery needed to be replaced. - no troubles) Amen, God provides (Phillippians 4:19-20 http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Phl/Phl004.html). But this week will be better. So, Thank goodness its Monday! And then this weekend I get to go up to Birmingham. It is my cousin's sweet 16. I haven't seen my family in a while so that'll be good times.

I also get to eat Milo's while I am up there. I LOVE Milo's. I hink that every city in America should have one. The mere fact that Auburn doen't have a Milo's is a pitiful shame. I say forget McDonalds. Milo's should go international. It's one and onnly drawbacck, is that it does not offer Sunkist on it's menu. Oh well, I guess I am willing to overlook that. (for now anyway). Well, anyway not much else for now. Stay tuned in. More to come...

22 September 2005

Logistics - Yuck!

Well, this week I have run completely on Sunkist. Let me just say for the record that I hate logistics. Not much to share at the moment... Mostly because I don't have time. (because of logistics!) But I did get some happy news the other day. My cousin and his wife are going to have a baby! That is always exciting. But other than that, not much has been happening. School work has kept me so busy! Two major tests, a quiz and about a gazillion things to do in Spanish all due within two days (Mainly today and tomorrow!) - So explains the whole "running on Sunkist" thing. I had two yesterday after 10! TWO! But I got most of my logistics studying done, so I guess it worked. Well, I have to keep this short... Too much to do today. But let me leave you with this. http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Psa/Psa118.html - Read it. It will brighten your day! Here are some other links that I found humorous: http://www.columbia.edu/~sss31/rainbow/wife.html and http://www.columbia.edu/~sss31/rainbow/i-love-you.html. Have a great day!

18 September 2005

Sunkist Kind of Day!

Today is Sunday, Sept. 18, the 261st day of 2005. There are 104 days left in the year.

I may have made a mistake this morning. I had a Sunkist for breakfast... and now I am completely wired! I During church I caught myself several times being that really annoying person who taps their foot when there is no music. You know the type. You just want to reach over and say, STOP! You are driving me crazy! And there I was, being that person. That plus the fact that I was late (gasp, shocked huh?) probable made the people next to me really wonder. Oh well. Sunkist is the best drink EVER!. Well, that and the powerade slushies from Sonic. If you haven't had one of those then Stop what you are doing... finish reading this later and go get one now. They are great, especially in the summer on a really hot day. They turn an Okay day into a happy day. Gee- I wonder what a Sunkist slush would taste like... Yum, that sounds good.

I went to the football game yesterday. And I actually have to say I think I am beginning to understand it...a little. However, I think I also came to another realization. The reason why I don't usually go to outdoor games or well outdoor anything. I look like a lobster. But it was fun so it was worth it. Plus we won. WAR EAGLE! Anyway, after the game I went out to dinner with a friend from high school that I hadn't seen in a while. That's always a blast to catch up.

I love to take personality tests. I found one that is dead on accurate. You just register by telling some basics like age, gender, and e-mail and you can take it. It was long. It had about 100 questions. But all you do is answer yes, sometimes or no... Not hard at all. However answer honestly, even if you think the question would show something not so great in you character. Anyway it only took me about 5 minutes to take. Here is the link if you want to take it. http://www.personalityonline.comcom I took "The personality profile" Anyway, there is that if you want it. There were lots more no that site as well. My results said I was "Conscientious". If you do take it, Let me know what you got... Well, I am going to be later for church if I don't go now. And in closing I will say that that my vacuum cleaner sucks... (But is this really a bad thing?)

Oh yeah, the unbelievably adorable puppy in the picture is Charlie. (He finally has a name.!)

12 September 2005

A first

It had officially happened. I have become one of those people who post to a blog. I was sitting in class the other day and caught myself thinking, "I should post this. It is hilarious!" It was then and there I decided to break down and start a blog of my own, rather than just read those belonging to others. Of course, now I can't for the life of me think of what was funny... Life has a way of being ironic. However, I figure there will be other moments that I wish to share.

I guess I should mention that I have a new puppy as he will most likely be mentioned in the future. He currently has no name. He is a long haired chihuahua and fabulously adorable. I am however horrible in the name department... so any sugestions would be very welcome!