31 January 2006

I love a good list...

A list of no importance:
1. My homework load: big, not as big as it could be...but not as small as I'd like it.
2. My laundry: caught up!
3. My living room: clean and vacuumed
4. My favorite color combo of the moment: Brown and pink
5. The weather currently: BEAutiful
6. My thoughts on libraries: wonderful, almost magical places.
7. The two most romantic sounds: A tenor voice and listening to the one you love as they read.
8. My thoughts on "Nanny McPhee": There was and is only one Mary Poppins. Do not even try to duplicate.
9. Food I have been craving fo months: Chicken cordon bleu (Mmmm)
10. Things that I shourld be doing instead of updating this: about a bazillion
11. Number of pairs of new shoes purchased in the last month: 4
12. Total amount spent during last shopping trip (purchased a purse, one pair of shoes, 5 shirts and a book): $50-$55...I love end of the season sales.
13. Number of minutes before the best show: 31

Gotta Jet... oh no, Don't cry... More to come later.

Current Mood: Good hair day, new shoe, first kiss, kind of happy
Current Music: The "L"Train from the soundtrack "Shall we dance?" (it is in my head)

1 comment:

Courtney said...

i really like that post format..i might duplicate! yeah the first kiss thing...is that a first kiss type of happy mood..or did you really have a first kiss with a new guy...i just need to know these things!