13 January 2006


My internet is down and I am at the library so this post won't be too long!

I don't know if anyone else happened to look up at the moon last night around 10 or so, but it was truely beautiful. A complete rainbow circled it like a ring. (Rainbows are always in complete circles but we usually only see on part of the circle.) The rainbow wasn't as bright because it was reflecting the moons rays, rather than the suns, But it was still one of those things that you look at and words just can't descibe it. I don't understand how people can look at something like that and not believe in God. I am so unworthy to be given things so beautiful. It was like God said, "Here, be happy" It worked for me anyway. Anyway... I hope everyone got to see it.

And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, [it was] very good... Genesis 1:31a http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Gen/Gen001.html#1


Courtney said...

i think i'll just call you right now

Courtney said...

amd oh my gosh! of course i saw it..i've only seen that twice in my life! and both times i was soo in awe! it's sooooo gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

yep- i saw it too, very cool! :) Yea, I know I haven't updated, i'll try to get around to it this year :) Have a great day!!