17 January 2006

It's Raining...It's pouring...

Let me just say for the record that My hair was perfectly straight when I walked out of my house this morning, but due to dogs getting away in the rain, having to unload huge amounts of luggage from my car- in the rain and walking all over the place outside - in the rain... I now look like poodle! Not my best look, I must say. However, Despite my hair casualties, it is a truely beautiful day. I love the rain. (I prefer to be on a porch looking out into it, and not actually in it myself... but I'll take it both ways!) I am thinking I must take advantage of the opportunity and take a nap at some point during these storms. (This is where having a trailer with a metal roof actually comes in handy!) The sound of rain hitting that roof in very hard to ignore.


Courtney said...

so yeah i know all about those trailers and the rain..i thought mine might turn into courtneys ark and float away today....with corndogs in the freezer two by two...but it didnt happen..i did get some quality sleep though! yes mam!

Courtney said...

yes that is sad...kinda like my soggy sandwhich....that still brings tears to my eyes :(...

Anonymous said...

Yea, well I am still alive, just quieter than usual :) We will definitely chat soon!! HAVE A FANTABULOUS DAY!!!!!!!!