15 November 2005

3 Days Until Thanksgiving Break!!!

Today is Wednesday, Nov. 15, the 319th day of 2005. There are 46 days left in the year.

Hello... My name is Emily and I am Gilmore Girls Fan. It all began rather innocently enough, Just an eppisode here or there. But I admit it. It has grown to an addiction... Seriously though, as much as I hate to admit to it, I am a huge fan and I can't wait for next Tuesday! I mean Luke has a kid?!?! What's up with that???

Anywho, on a different (and slightly less embarraassing) subject... All of you who know just how anal I can get about cleaning will be happy to know that my house is a disaster right now. And while it is driving me insane, I have done nothing about it for 2 days. I know that this trend will last only at most another day (one - because I have only one clean towel and two - because my sanity is a fleeting thing that needn't be tampered with) but I am proud that it lasted this long.

Let's see... what else? Oh, I get to write an awesome paper for logistics... How it actually ties in with logistics I will never quite understand but either way the paper is going to be a breeze! We have to write about qualities in our ideal mate, how many children we want and how far apart to have them. Oh, and we have to include a list of thing we want to accomplish... basically our "things we want to do before we die" list. It is all opinion and we get a grade. I am psyched... I'm hoping this will bring up my logistics grade... My anal qualities come out once again in that I am not satisfied with the grade I currently have. (Yes I know - Just call me Jesse and stick me in a really ugly pair of acid washed jeans!)

Well my friends... It is late and I have SO much Spanish to study for and so with a great sadness I must bid you adieu. (So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night....Aww how very "Sound of Music" of me. All I'm missing now are some very ugle dresses made from drapes. haha)

Quiz of the day: What color is your toothbrush?
Purple? You are feeling creative/ Purple is often the favorite color of artists, performers and writers - creative people whoa re guided by their heart, not their head. A sudden preference for purple shows you are moving througha creative period when you may reject conformity and convention.
Green? You are feeling generous/ Traditionally green is not only the color of money, but also a sign of generosity and growth. Green lovers tend to be be innate do-gooders who go out of their way to make the world a better place.
Red? You are feeling Dynamic/ Scientists have shown that th highest arc in the rainbow - red - appeals to those with dynamic passionate temperaments.
Blue? You are feeling stressed/ The color blue has been shown by scientists to sctually reduce heartbeat, blood pressure and repiration. If you are drawn to this color your subconsciencce is probably longing for tranquil relaxation.
Yellow? Youa re feeling joyful/ Yellow tradiotionally signals joy and friendship. People attracted to yellow tend to be upbeat and optimistic.


Courtney said...

well well miss my place is dirty..well i'm miss my place is a piece of trash :) but we're still workin on it..sounds like life is treating you well! and i'm excited because at 4 today i will officially begin my thanksgiving break..for which i'm very thankful and excited!! yay! well yes and onto the paper..you should be able to write a fabulous one..throw in that swimming part...and change the names for protection of the innocent ;)

Courtney said...

oh and gilmore girls was goood! i love luke and i cant believe he has a kid! and mom and daughter have reunited! finally!

Courtney said...

and the sound of music reference well it brightened my day..i dont know why i like that movie so much! guess it's just fun to sing with..dont tell anyone :) well i'm off with my scarf adorned self so have a great one!

Courtney said...

we leave early wednesday morning..i'm going to lab monday morning but other than that if there is a get together i should definitely be able to be in attendance if ya'll give me a heads up!! :) hope to see ya soon!!