24 December 2005
Merry CHRISTmas
Well, I can't write too much... I have some cooking to do for the Christmas get together with my family tonight.
Have a Merry Christmas everyone!
09 December 2005
4:30 - up and at 'em
Well, Hmmm It is 6:30 now and I have already been up two hours. I am not sure exactly why but at 4:30ish I woke up. And I am not talking about the kind of waking up where you are only half awake and so you roll over and fall back asleep. I actually like that kind of waking up because for some reason I think that the 2nd time you fall asleep, you sleep deeper and better. Also you get two dreams in one night (or at least there is the possibility of that anyway). But the kind of waking up I experienced was that of the overworked student I awakened and my head was automatically filled with about 3 gazillion (what a cool word, huh?) things to do... So I just went ahead and got up. Well I no sooner arrived in the living room than I had this unbearable craving for fetticini alfredo and skittles... (well not together you silly rabbit the skittles were dessert, of course!) So I had a lean cuisine thing of fetticini alfredo in the freezer but sadly I did not have a single skittle in the house. I thought that perhaps once I had eaten the fetticini I would have passified most of my craving and would therefore be content... Nope! I sat there for about 15 minutes until it became perfectly apparent that I would have to go to the store on a skittle run. Now, take into account that at this time it is roughly 5:30... And let me just say that it is much harder to find a 24 hour store in Auburn than it is in Birmingham.... I think it was the 4th store I went to that was finally open. But nonetheless, I had my Skittles... and my Sunkist! Needless to say that caffeine and a sugar buzz at 6:00a.m. I believe you could almost call it a high of sorts! haha Oh and did I mention that during all the craziness (well at least the craziness where I wasn't Skittle searching) I was watching Gilmore Girl episodes? It has truly been an awesome morning!
However I am sad to report that an unfortunate event will soon take place. At 1400 today, I will be taking my econ final. I mean the concepts of the class I understand, but the graphs I have a bit of trouble with. But, none of that matters because once the test comes, once tat dreaded piece of paper is slid onto my desk all information regarding economics flies out of my head faster than a woman will run toward a shoe sale. I mean the second I write my name of that scantron it literally appears to grow in size and the 100 question feel like a thousand and the only thoughts I can keep in my head are thoughts like "Where did the word bamboozled come from?" and "I need a new black ink cartrege." {By the by, I looked up where bamboozled came from and just for all of you out there who are as crazy as me and would like to know... http://www.word-detective.com/021804.html gives you the meaning and the origin as well as it can be traced... turns out Jonathan Swift did not like that word He said it was the, "The Continual Corruption of Our English Tongue." anyway... It is not under "read me" but it the first question after that.} So, what was I saying again... Oh yes... not looking forward to this particular final at all. This one is 35% of our final grade. However my Spanish one which I think I will do fairly well on is only 10%. Life and her irony!
Well, I think that I had better quit procrastinating and get to studying.
Tip of the day: Eat weird food combos
Music of the moment: Gilmore Girls soundtrack... Don't knock it till you try it!
05 December 2005
God is Awesome!
Psalm 150
Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power. Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.
Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.
Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.
Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.
Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.
I heard the song "Did you feel the Mountains Tremble" for the first time last week. Let me just say, that song is awesome... If you ever get a chance to listen to Sonicflood's version off their sonicpraise album you should.
On a different but related issue, there was this song that I used to sing as a kid with my mother. It was very simple, not much to it. But one of the lines was "He [God] could have made it [earth] black and white and we'd have never known". That particular line is so simple in text but so profound in meaning. I think about it every time I hear a song I like or I see a beautiful sunset. It is so true... God did not have to bless us with all the beauty that surrounds us. If it weren't there we would not have know anything different. It isn't as though we deserve it. I just feel so unworthy and so thankful... I just, well... The only words that do it justice are: GOD IS AWESOME!
Tip of the day: Look at the beauty around you. It's there!
Song of the day: Did you feel the mountains tremble
29 November 2005
I love new shoes and useless information!

Today is Wednesday, Nov. 30, the 334th day of 2005. There are 31 days left in the year.
WOW! 31 days... That isn't much time. I can't believe it is going to be 2006 soon. But anywho, I went shopping the other day while I was back home and I found these FABulous shoes (see picture). They were already on sale and then they were 70, yes 70 percent off! That made for a very happy Emily! Anyway a picture does not do them justice, but I thought I would add it anyway. Well, I add a simply fantastic Thanksgiving. I was sick the whole week, but I was well enough on Thursday to go do the whole "family thing." It was so awesome. I got a chance to sit down and talk with my grandfather. Every time I do that he amazes at how awesome he is. He had to explain some things to the supreme court once for his company (there was some sort of trial happening, I didn't get all the details) Anyway they won the case due to what they claimed was "Well's wisdom" (My grandfather's name is Wells, it probably helps to know that.) He also graduated high school at 15 and worked solid for two years and graduated law school two months shy of his 17th birthday. So, high school at 15 and law school at 16. That fact alone will never cease to amaze me. He also taught some courses at Samford, fought in WWII, practically built my house and is now a chaplain at the VA in his spare time. Talk about being well rounded.
But enough about my family... I'm sure it isn't half as interesting to other people who don't know them. Let's see... I mentioned that I was sick over Thanksgiving... But the benefit of that is that I did not overeat and was plagued by no feelings of remorse or guilt the following day. Oh, and get this... I found some old photos of my grandmother, I look more like her than I do my mother! For those of you who have met my mother, that is a hard fact to imagine...(haha- I hate that there are no smiles on this thing so I suppose I will be forced to do the sideways thingy :-D)
Okay, so I am a HUGE fan of absolutely useless trivia amd weird facts... If you are too...Go here...http://www.angelfire.com/ca6/uselessfacts/ or here... http://www.emmitsburg.net/humor/index_list/interesting_facts_index.htm or here... http://www.superkids.com/aweb/pages/humor/100099.sht. This particular fact was particularly puzzling to me. Get this. On a Canadian two dollar bill, the flag flying over the Parliament building is an American flag!!! Another is that intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. Okay... This is cool and sad too:
If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like this:
There would be:
57 Asians
21 Europeans (14 from the Western Hemisphere, both north & south)
8 Africans
52 people would be female
48 would be male
70 would be non-white
30 would be white
70 would be non-Christian
30 would be Christian
6 would possess 59% of the entire world's wealth (and all 6
would be from the U.S.
80 would live in substandard housing
70 would be unable to read
50 would suffer from malnutrition
1 would be near death;
1 would be near birth
1 (yes, only 1) would have a college education
1 would own a computer
Well, I think that is all for toady... I must quit procrastinating and go study for my econ test. Lata!
Music of the moment: U2 baby!
Tip/Quote of the day: "You've gotta be able to laugh at yourself. Otherwise life is going to be a lot longer than you'd like." --Sam (Natalie Portman), Garden State
20 November 2005
Ho Ho Ho... Four in a Row!
Well... It must be said... WAR EAGLE!!! But seriously I don't think I have ever seen that many people in my life. Toomer's Corner was crazy after the game. But anyway, I can't wait until I get to Birmingham... I haven't seen my girls in forever and thats always a blast. Oh, and I can't wait for some good ol' Milo's.
And now for something totally random: Iwashed my sheets and everything tonight (Iwanted everything spotless for when I get back.) and I am SO looking forward to going to bed tonight. There is quite possibly nothing better than the feelilng of crisp clean cool sheets. (ok so maybe there are a few things better, but it is definitely a great feeling!)
So... Christmas time is coming up and you know what that means??? Good old movies at the Alabama theatre. Now, I know not everyone is as big of a fan as I am... But how can you not like White Christmas or It's a Wonderful Life... They are just great. Speaking of It's a Wonderful life... Did you know that Bert and Ernie, the characters on Sesame Street were named after Bert the cop and Ernie the taxie driver on that movie? - Just a bit of trivia for ya.
Well, I think thats it for the time being. But I'll leave you with this thought:
War... Eagle, fly down the field.
Ever to conquer, never to yield.
War... Eagle, fearless and true.
Fight on, you orange and blue. Go! Go! Go!
On to vict'ry, strike up the band.
Give 'em hell, give 'em hell;
Stand up and yell, Hey!
War...Eagle win for Auburn,
Power of Dixie Land!
15 November 2005
3 Days Until Thanksgiving Break!!!
Hello... My name is Emily and I am Gilmore Girls Fan. It all began rather innocently enough, Just an eppisode here or there. But I admit it. It has grown to an addiction... Seriously though, as much as I hate to admit to it, I am a huge fan and I can't wait for next Tuesday! I mean Luke has a kid?!?! What's up with that???
Anywho, on a different (and slightly less embarraassing) subject... All of you who know just how anal I can get about cleaning will be happy to know that my house is a disaster right now. And while it is driving me insane, I have done nothing about it for 2 days. I know that this trend will last only at most another day (one - because I have only one clean towel and two - because my sanity is a fleeting thing that needn't be tampered with) but I am proud that it lasted this long.
Let's see... what else? Oh, I get to write an awesome paper for logistics... How it actually ties in with logistics I will never quite understand but either way the paper is going to be a breeze! We have to write about qualities in our ideal mate, how many children we want and how far apart to have them. Oh, and we have to include a list of thing we want to accomplish... basically our "things we want to do before we die" list. It is all opinion and we get a grade. I am psyched... I'm hoping this will bring up my logistics grade... My anal qualities come out once again in that I am not satisfied with the grade I currently have. (Yes I know - Just call me Jesse and stick me in a really ugly pair of acid washed jeans!)
Well my friends... It is late and I have SO much Spanish to study for and so with a great sadness I must bid you adieu. (So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night....Aww how very "Sound of Music" of me. All I'm missing now are some very ugle dresses made from drapes. haha)
Quiz of the day: What color is your toothbrush?
Purple? You are feeling creative/ Purple is often the favorite color of artists, performers and writers - creative people whoa re guided by their heart, not their head. A sudden preference for purple shows you are moving througha creative period when you may reject conformity and convention.
Green? You are feeling generous/ Traditionally green is not only the color of money, but also a sign of generosity and growth. Green lovers tend to be be innate do-gooders who go out of their way to make the world a better place.
Red? You are feeling Dynamic/ Scientists have shown that th highest arc in the rainbow - red - appeals to those with dynamic passionate temperaments.
Blue? You are feeling stressed/ The color blue has been shown by scientists to sctually reduce heartbeat, blood pressure and repiration. If you are drawn to this color your subconsciencce is probably longing for tranquil relaxation.
Yellow? Youa re feeling joyful/ Yellow tradiotionally signals joy and friendship. People attracted to yellow tend to be upbeat and optimistic.
14 November 2005
War Eagle Baby!
So I must begin with a hearty "WAR EAGLE!" Sorry Bama fans, but I had to get

Tip of the day: Try something new today!
30 October 2005
October 31

Today is Monday, Oct. 31, the 304th day of 2005. There are 61 days left in the year. This is Halloween.
Well, Today is probably my second least favorite day of the year. However there are some good things about today that I am going to focus on instead... Such as:
On Oct. 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Palace church, marking the start of the Protestant Reformation in Germany.
In 1795, English poet John Keats was born in London.
In 1864, Nevada became the 36th state.
In 1941 Work on Mt. Rushmore was completed.
Tip of the day: Pay at least 3 people a complement or a word of encouragement.... It is free and it will brighten their day AND yours! God is Good ya'll! Spread it around!
War Eagle and have a fabulous day!
20 October 2005
18 hours, No key, and a Train...Great times.

Wow, I can't believe there are only 72 days left in this year! Time sure is flying! But anyway, It has been a while since I last posted so I'm not quite sure where to begin. Lets begin with the weekend following my last post. I got a quite sudden visit from Kelly. Saturday, while being completely wasted, was an absolutely fabulous day! We watched about 2 hours of Gilmore Girls on Friday night. But we watched a massive 16 hours on Saturday! The only time we took a break was the 30 minutes we took to go get massive amounts of Chinese food. You just can't beat that! Then as soon as we finished watching that I couldn't wait till the new one came out on Tuesday. (So sad, yet so great) Then we started talking... And before we knew it, it was 6 in the morning. So needless to say we kinda overslept for church, (heathenish, I know!) But I did go to church that night...
The week since then has been pretty blah... Until today! I completely had an ditzy airheaded moment. I ran out of my house (trying to be early for a meeting I had) and I THOUGHT that my keys were in my purse... I was wrong... Severely wrong. So, I was locked out of house, unable to start my car, missed my class and my meeting, did not have the number to call and reschedule... So, I walked to a bank, used their telephone book, called a locksmith. He came preceded to use his master key and simply unlock my door.... It took 15 seconds and it cost me! But the rest of the day was fantastic so... It wasn't too bad.
I know that some people really like this time of year... With the costumes and pumpkins, scary movies, and the like... But I just have to say... There is not one thing about it that I like, Okay, I like the weather outside around this time of year, but that is about it. I will be glad when it is over. I did however find some funny cartoons about it... http://www.offthemark.com/ (then go to Halloween - my favorite one is the lazy twins!) (the ones about dr. suess are pretty funny too!) But, sorry about the tangent there.
Oh, I am so excited... I love that song "Get to Me" by Train. I forgot that it was on their album; Alive at Last, which I have. Color me happy .Although I'm not quite sure exactly what color that would be. The first thought that comes to mind is maybe the color yellow. However, yellow is definitely not one of my favorite colors, so maybe color one uses to "color someone happy" is completely relative and it changes with each individual. Perhaps being green with one person, blue, with another and still pink and yellow polka dotted for someone else... But then again it may just be that I am tired and that I am going through a severe Sunkist withdrawal and am rambling on and on about things that make absolutely no sense. (I am guessing it is the latter!) Well, It is almost 2 in the morning and I have officially rambled and babbled to the point that I can't even make sense of most of what I wrote. Have a simply fantabulous day ya'll!
11 October 2005

Today is Tuesday, Oct. 11, the 284th day of 2005. There are 81 days left in the year. (Man, it is flying by, isn't it?)
Well, I feel as though I have actually accomplished most of what I planned to do tonight. I did four loads of laundry. I have cleaned three rooms completely. I have studied two chapters for my MIS test. and I have given one dog a bath. Oh, and I also went to the grocery store. (fun stuff - I know). But on a side note, I found the most unbelievable site. This will be of interest to any of you bubblewrap lovers like myself: http://www.virtual-bubblewrap.com/ It is so funny and it just made me laugh in the midst of my busy night.
Okay, I may offend here...but this question simply must be asked...What is it with all th

Okay, I think I am off my soapbox, for now anyway. I love things like corney jokes and oxy morons. I found this site which has to be the most comprehensive site of oxymorons if you want to check it out. http://www.oxymoronlist.com/ (hehe - that stuff just makes me laugh!, Although the fact that I stopped cleaning and went to bed at 2 this morning and have already had a Sunkist may have contributed to the laughter also.) I am also in love with Accuradio. (http://www.accuradio.com/) EVERYONE should try this one. It is "internet radio" no commercials, customizable, tons of stations and a HUGE variety. It is perfect for everyone (yes, even if you happened to be a "pop princess" - I don't think names are needed here.) Anyway, I am addicted to "Swinging Pop Standards" But like I said, there is something for every musical taste. Well, I guess that is all for now... Don't cry, I'll be back later.
Plead of the day: STOP THAT POP - here is hoping for a pop free collars across the nation.
05 October 2005
Sunkist, Sleepless and Sunglasses

Today is Wednesday, Oct. 5, the 278th day of 2005. There are 87 days left in the year.
It is six in the morning. I have been up for two hours cleaning and I didn't go to bed until 2:00am! I am doing my normal freak out over a big grade thing! However, there is an upside. But before I get to that, I have to set it up for you... Anyone who knows me, knows that I have a slight, okay maybe not so slight, obsession with sunglasses. Well, I broke my black pair at the last family reunion I went to...(so many stories there!) Actually I didn't break them. I was just standing there talking and they fell off o my face. It was probably mere exhaustion. They were my favorite pair and I had worn them forever!. [You may be asking yourself, "What does this have to do with an upside to having not slept"...Trust me, I'm getting there] So, anyway....I broke down and bought a new black pair the other day. It was less than a week ago. They are SO cute

Songs of the day: "Feeling Good" by Michael Buble and "Concerto in D Minor for two Violins" by J.S. Bach (both of which rock on about 7 different levels!)
02 October 2005
Sweet 16
Well, Let's see... What all has happened since the last time I posted? The week was pretty much like any other week. It had both highs and lows. Thursday night was good though. I went to this great dinner and dancing thing that Auburn had. Good food, great music, and even better times. (Kudos by the way to Kelly for making me go). Anyway, Friday - day - was again the usual an boring and then Friday evening I went back up to Birmingham. I got in at around 8:30 [Ate Milo's - see previous post - for supper]. Seeing as how there is no bed in Birmingham, I sleep on the couch. Not very well though, Saturday morning I woke up at around 4:30 and never could get back to sleep... Don't you just hate it when that happens? That wasn't too bad because I was the one elected to keep my cousin busy and out of the house al morning [as to not ruin the "surprise" part of her "surprise party"]. So I took her to Courtney's for breakfast. (You all Birminghamians should try Courtney's sometime for breakfast). Then we went to Charlemagne Records,
an awesome record store on southside. Man I could live in that store. They have an unbelievable variety. While we were downtown I saw the most unbelievable name for a restaurant. It was a bar-b-que place called "Sweet Daddy's From the Rooter to the Tooter." How horrible is that? Then we went to my Aunt's house. [ It turned out that my cousin had known about it for the past two weeks.] I got back in Auburn at about 9:30. So, I was gone barely 24 hours but it felt like a LONG time. I wasn't going to come back until Sunday afternoon but I wanted to go to church. Then my alarm clock never went off. I checked it again this morning (AFTER I missed church completely... I was set for a.m. and everything, I don't know why it didn't go off.... but that was a bummer!)
26 September 2005
Thank goodness it's Monday!

Today is Monday, Sept. 26, the 269th day of 2005. There are 96 days left in the year.
I know that the expression "Thank goodness it's MONDAY" is not used very often as its sister phrase, "thank goodness it's friday" so allow me to explain. Last week was, shall we say not the best week ever. I had an obscene amount of homework and three test (in two days). In the midst of trying to be at the library at this time, be at this building for an extra study session, be here for this and there for that, my car decides that it needed a break. In fact it decided it needed to die. But thankfully I have nice friends who were willing to cart me around until I got it fixed. (It turned out to be that the battery needed to be replaced. - no troubles) Amen, God provides (Phillippians 4:19-20 http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Phl/Phl004.html). But this week will be better. So, Thank goodness its Monday! And then this weekend I get to go up to Birmingham. It is my cousin's sweet 16. I haven't seen my family in a while so that'll be good times.

I also get to eat Milo's while I am up there. I LOVE Milo's. I hink that every city in America should have one. The mere fact that Auburn doen't have a Milo's is a pitiful shame. I say forget McDonalds. Milo's should go international. It's one and onnly drawbacck, is that it does not offer Sunkist on it's menu. Oh well, I guess I am willing to overlook that. (for now anyway). Well, anyway not much else for now. Stay tuned in. More to come...
22 September 2005
Logistics - Yuck!

Well, this week I have run completely on Sunkist. Let me just say for the record that I hate logistics. Not much to share at the moment... Mostly because I don't have time. (because of logistics!) But I did get some happy news the other day. My cousin and his wife are going to have a baby! That is always exciting. But other than that, not much has been happening. School work has kept me so busy! Two major tests, a quiz and about a gazillion things to do in Spanish all due within two days (Mainly today and tomorrow!) - So explains the whole "running on Sunkist" thing. I had two yesterday after 10! TWO! But I got most of my logistics studying done, so I guess it worked. Well, I have to keep this short... Too much to do today. But let me leave you with this. http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Psa/Psa118.html - Read it. It will brighten your day! Here are some other links that I found humorous: http://www.columbia.edu/~sss31/rainbow/wife.html and http://www.columbia.edu/~sss31/rainbow/i-love-you.html. Have a great day!
18 September 2005
Sunkist Kind of Day!
Today is Sunday, Sept. 18, the 261st day of 2005. There are 104 days left in the year.
I may have made a mistake this morning. I had a Sunkist for breakfast... and now I am completely wired! I During church I caught myself several times being that really annoying person who taps their foot when there is no music. You know the type. You just want to reach over and say, STOP! You are driving me crazy! And there I was, being that person. That plus the fact that I was late (gasp, shocked huh?) probable made the people next to me really wonder. Oh well. Sunkist is the best drink EVER!. Well, that and the powerade slushies from Sonic. If you haven't had one of those then Stop what you are doing... finish reading this later and go get one now. They are great, especially in the summer on a really hot day. They turn an Okay day into a happy day. Gee- I wonder what a Sunkist slush would taste like... Yum, that sounds good.
I went to the football game yesterday. And I actually have to say I think I am beginning to understand it...a little. However, I think I also came to another realization. The reason why I don't usually go to outdoor games or well outdoor anything. I look like a lobster. But it was fun so it was worth it. Plus we won. WAR EAGLE! Anyway, after the game I went out to dinner with a friend from high school that I hadn't seen in a while. That's always a blast to catch up.
I love to take personality tests. I found one that is dead on accurate. You just register by telling some basics like age, gender, and e-mail and you can take it. It was long. It had about 100 questions. But all you do is answer yes, sometimes or no... Not hard at all. However answer honestly, even if you think the question would show something not so great in you character. Anyway it only took me about 5 minutes to take. Here is the link if you want to take it. http://www.personalityonline.comcom I took "The personality profile" Anyway, there is that if you want it. There were lots more no that site as well. My results said I was "Conscientious". If you do take it, Let me know what you got... Well, I am going to be later for church if I don't go now. And in closing I will say that that my vacuum cleaner sucks... (But is this really a bad thing?)
Oh yeah, the unbelievably adorable puppy in the picture is Charlie. (He finally has a name.!)
12 September 2005
A first

It had officially happened. I have become one of those people who post to a blog. I was sitting in class the other day and caught myself thinking, "I should post this. It is hilarious!" It was then and there I decided to break down and start a blog of my own, rather than just read those belonging to others. Of course, now I can't for the life of me think of what was funny... Life has a way of being ironic. However, I figure there will be other moments that I wish to share.
I guess I should mention that I have a new puppy as he will most likely be mentioned in the future. He currently has no name. He is a long haired chihuahua and fabulously adorable. I am however horrible in the name department... so any sugestions would be very welcome!