Wow, I can't believe there are only 72 days left in this year! Time sure is flying! But anyway, It has been a while since I last posted so I'm not quite sure where to begin. Lets begin with the weekend following my last post. I got a quite sudden visit from Kelly. Saturday, while being completely wasted, was an absolutely fabulous day! We watched about 2 hours of Gilmore Girls on Friday night. But we watched a massive 16 hours on Saturday! The only time we took a break was the 30 minutes we took to go get massive amounts of Chinese food. You just can't beat that! Then as soon as we finished watching that I couldn't wait till the new one came out on Tuesday. (So sad, yet so great) Then we started talking... And before we knew it, it was 6 in the morning. So needless to say we kinda overslept for church, (heathenish, I know!) But I did go to church that night...
The week since then has been pretty blah... Until today! I completely had an ditzy airheaded moment. I ran out of my house (trying to be early for a meeting I had) and I THOUGHT that my keys were in my purse... I was wrong... Severely wrong. So, I was locked out of house, unable to start my car, missed my class and my meeting, did not have the number to call and reschedule... So, I walked to a bank, used their telephone book, called a locksmith. He came preceded to use his master key and simply unlock my door.... It took 15 seconds and it cost me! But the rest of the day was fantastic so... It wasn't too bad.
I know that some people really like this time of year... With the costumes and pumpkins, scary movies, and the like... But I just have to say... There is not one thing about it that I like, Okay, I like the weather outside around this time of year, but that is about it. I will be glad when it is over. I did however find some funny cartoons about it... http://www.offthemark.com/ (then go to Halloween - my favorite one is the lazy twins!) (the ones about dr. suess are pretty funny too!) But, sorry about the tangent there.
Oh, I am so excited... I love that song "Get to Me" by Train. I forgot that it was on their album; Alive at Last, which I have. Color me happy .Although I'm not quite sure exactly what color that would be. The first thought that comes to mind is maybe the color yellow. However, yellow is definitely not one of my favorite colors, so maybe color one uses to "color someone happy" is completely relative and it changes with each individual. Perhaps being green with one person, blue, with another and still pink and yellow polka dotted for someone else... But then again it may just be that I am tired and that I am going through a severe Sunkist withdrawal and am rambling on and on about things that make absolutely no sense. (I am guessing it is the latter!) Well, It is almost 2 in the morning and I have officially rambled and babbled to the point that I can't even make sense of most of what I wrote. Have a simply fantabulous day ya'll!
well i just asked amy to color me happy and she said "dang!" as in thats a hard question...we both had the same color pop into our head first...purple...yeah you left that one off as far as i can tell :) and oh my gosh!! i dont know that i am up to a 16 hour marathon of gilmore girls that takes some major dedication (and a lot of chinese food..but you had that handled i see)!! i am so impressed...and i dont think within my life there is any chance i will ever beat that tv viewage record...so i will have to think of other records to make up and win :) hmmmmm well yeah sounds like except for the key problem things are going great..same here..my only random time today was well there were bugpeople and animalpeople in the minipark at uab...as in people with wings on..people with ears on..people with fuzzy hair pieces on..yea i dont know what that was about
Ok, when I said I liked Chinese...i think my body was lying to me...that pic just brings back the smell which makes me want to be sick!!! Worth it all though!! :)
Locksmiths suck!!! And so do career analysis tests!! :)
so um do you have some sunkist to spare cause right now i'm really thirsty for some fizzy orange liquid..and that's strange cause i dont really crave that normally
ROLL TIDE! (sorry I had to)
oh yes- you drive a good point on the homeschool theory...but i'll most certaily make an exception for you since your mom was so involved in your schooling. IT's be the "Momschooling" club :)
Oh and have I said thank you for referring the magazine?! Highlight of my week last week :)
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