Today is Wednesday, Oct. 5, the 278th day of 2005. There are 87 days left in the year.
It is six in the morning. I have been up for two hours cleaning and I didn't go to bed until 2:00am! I am doing my normal freak out over a big grade thing! However, there is an upside. But before I get to that, I have to set it up for you... Anyone who knows me, knows that I have a slight, okay maybe not so slight, obsession with sunglasses. Well, I broke my black pair at the last family reunion I went to...(so many stories there!) Actually I didn't break them. I was just standing there talking and they fell off o my face. It was probably mere exhaustion. They were my favorite pair and I had worn them forever!. [You may be asking yourself, "What does this have to do with an upside to having not slept"...Trust me, I'm getting there] So, anyway....I broke down and bought a new black pair the other day. It was less than a week ago. They are SO cute

Songs of the day: "Feeling Good" by Michael Buble and "Concerto in D Minor for two Violins" by J.S. Bach (both of which rock on about 7 different levels!)
wow that was an absolutely fabulous entry!! and I'm am ever so proud that you are venturing out on that tiny limb of food exploration! the first step is the hardest..from here on out just be careful...there are some things that just shouldnt go together and you will be tempted to try them.. :) glad you found your glasses! i'm off to rememdy this headache..i dont know what it's from..maybe I need a cherry coke on the rocks..with a lil cookie thrown on the side..yeah that's probably exactly what the doctor ordered :) see ya!
so yeah they gave us extra credit in order to bribe us to be involved in the homecoming festivities! i hate them but all the teachers are way excited!!!
every time i look at that first picture i looks at your nails and think how nicely done they are..before the cookie :)
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