Today is Monday, Oct. 31, the 304th day of 2005. There are 61 days left in the year. This is Halloween.
Well, Today is probably my second least favorite day of the year. However there are some good things about today that I am going to focus on instead... Such as:
On Oct. 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Palace church, marking the start of the Protestant Reformation in Germany.
In 1795, English poet John Keats was born in London.
In 1864, Nevada became the 36th state.
In 1941 Work on Mt. Rushmore was completed.
Tip of the day: Pay at least 3 people a complement or a word of encouragement.... It is free and it will brighten their day AND yours! God is Good ya'll! Spread it around!
War Eagle and have a fabulous day!
hey have a fabulous day love!! You forgot to add the part where there is a chance that people will give you candy after today because they'll have too much..now that's a good thing about today if I ever heard one!! :) well I'm off to see the wizard...no I mean fridge..me and him...appointment..for food! :)
Hey...i'm paying you compliment's today...you're funny, smart and my favorite Gilmore friend :) Oh, and I know that you worked it Saturday night, so I gues that would make you my favorite playa friend too...except, really the words "playa'" and Emily don't exactly mix? Oh well, they do now!!!! :)
haha glad you are/were humming the song too! it popped into my head very randomly and i just started singing...glad for someone else to share in the fun/curse :)! have a "fantabulous" day!
yes, I have- it's good, except the fact that they had sooo many kids!! Yea, not for me!
So I am assuming that you're mailing me something, which i'm excited about! :) I love mail!!! Just don't do like Courtney and waste a perfectly nice and good stamp on some mushed up crackers...:)
what is up? anything new..like him auburn flings?? hey guess what..iron bowl this weekend!! OH MY GOSH i wish i was you! i want to be there so bad! instead i will be working/ watching the game..in a resteraunt full of AU fans/employees! not cool!!! no offense :)
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