Well, this week I have run completely on Sunkist. Let me just say for the record that I hate logistics. Not much to share at the moment... Mostly because I don't have time. (because of logistics!) But I did get some happy news the other day. My cousin and his wife are going to have a baby! That is always exciting. But other than that, not much has been happening. School work has kept me so busy! Two major tests, a quiz and about a gazillion things to do in Spanish all due within two days (Mainly today and tomorrow!) - So explains the whole "running on Sunkist" thing. I had two yesterday after 10! TWO! But I got most of my logistics studying done, so I guess it worked. Well, I have to keep this short... Too much to do today. But let me leave you with this. http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Psa/Psa118.html - Read it. It will brighten your day! Here are some other links that I found humorous: http://www.columbia.edu/~sss31/rainbow/wife.html and http://www.columbia.edu/~sss31/rainbow/i-love-you.html. Have a great day!
I think you should join Sunkist Anonymous- you sound like a good candidate.
Are you turning orange?
THAT'S WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE NAMED YOUR DOG~~ Sunkist Don Juan Riley. I find it very appropriate.
sunkist breath!!
ummmm yeah sorry you are soooo busy with that boring crap called school work!!! sucks!! i know..i've been putting mine off all night..but after reading your site i feel guilty..i'll go start now! :(...i had icecream hopefully that will work in place of sunkist..probably not..i like cherry coke!!! but i dont have any of those either..
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