Today is Tuesday, Oct. 11, the 284th day of 2005. There are 81 days left in the year. (Man, it is flying by, isn't it?)
Well, I feel as though I have actually accomplished most of what I planned to do tonight. I did four loads of laundry. I have cleaned three rooms completely. I have studied two chapters for my MIS test. and I have given one dog a bath. Oh, and I also went to the grocery store. (fun stuff - I know). But on a side note, I found the most unbelievable site. This will be of interest to any of you bubblewrap lovers like myself:
http://www.virtual-bubblewrap.com/ It is so funny and it just made me laugh in the midst of my busy night.
Okay, I may offend here...but this question simply must be asked...What is it with all th

pink? Now, don't get me wrong. I love
pink just as much as the next girl. (and these days as much as the next "metrosexual" guy), But I would just just like to say that there are so many other colors of which to chose. I want to walk up to some of these people that have a
pink shirt,
pink shoes, a
pink bag, a
pink purse and
pink everything else and tell them it looks like they got into a fight with pepto bismal... and it won. This particular fad would, perhaps, not bother me so bad if it were not so gender neutral. On a girl this somehow does not look bad.
Pink is afterall a girly color. And then to add insult to injury, the dredded "popped collar" is added. Here is hoping this autumn brings about a whole new spectrum of colors. (and perhaps someone will finally convince these guys to LEAVE the collar the way it was intended.)
Okay, I think I am off my soapbox, for now anyway. I love things like corney jokes and oxy morons. I found this site which has to be the most comprehensive site of oxymorons if you want to check it out.
http://www.oxymoronlist.com/ (hehe - that stuff just makes me laugh!, Although the fact that I stopped cleaning and went to bed at 2 this morning and have already had a Sunkist may have contributed to the laughter also.) I am also in love with Accuradio. (
http://www.accuradio.com/) EVERYONE should try this one. It is "internet radio" no commercials, customizable, tons of stations and a HUGE variety. It is perfect for everyone (yes, even if you happened to be a "pop princess" - I don't think names are needed here.) Anyway, I am addicted to "Swinging Pop Standards" But like I said, there is something for every musical taste. Well, I guess that is all for now... Don't cry, I'll be back later.
Plead of the day: STOP THAT POP - here is hoping for a pop free collars across the nation.