08 October 2009

Lyrics to think about...

So... I don't know about you (whoever you are reading this) but I get in definite music moods. I was in a Norah Jones mood for a while, then it was Joss Stone, and for a while it was Jem; but right now it is big band, swing, jazz, vocal, etc.... That being said I pulled out some stuff I hadn't listened to in quite some time and I ran across two particular songs. Now i've danced to these songs more times than I can possibly count, but I don't suppose I've ever just sat there and contemplated the lyrics. After said contemplation I have decided that one of these songs I love and one I absolutely hate.

Get this... Actual lyrics.... "you're nobody till somebody loves you, so find yourself somebody to love." I have two major problems with this line of thinking.
a) Seriously?... no really, seriously? According to this particular thinking I mean nothing, I am nobody unless some other person decides I am. What is that all about? Unfortunately most of the people in my life think this way. 'What? You graduated valedictorian, were the first in your family to graduate college and own your own house at 23? oh.... wait.... you're single. I'm sorry but that means you are a failure. Success for a woman = marriage' I hate that.... and must admit that i seriously disagree
b) Who says that just because you love someone that they will love you back? In my personal opinion that is not how it works. Love doesn't return very easily.

Second song lyrics: From the song "My Baby Just Cares for Me"
"My baby don't care who knows, My baby just cares for me" I don't have a whole lot to say about this. I just really really liked it. I love the idea of being loved by someone who doesn't care who knows that we love each other, who doesn't care if people know he is with me..... Man, just to dream...


Mrs. Filly said...

yes lets go!!

Anonymous said...

What about when you are really good friends with someone of the opposite sex and one night you jokingly/ not jokingly tell that person that you find them attractive and then they never speak to you again! How is that for a bummer! Especially if they were not trying to "escalate" that friendship into something else, but just be honest. I have been trying to figure out what I did wrong to lose you as a friend for over three years now. And that is all I can figure. I am sure you know who this is, but if not then I still think that humans are animals and I am truly sorry for whatever I did to you.

Unknown said...

who wrote that?

Anonymous said...

Well then I guess I have just been forgotten and written off. I thought you might have remembered our three hour "humans are/are not animals" debate. Never mind. I wish the best for you. Goodbye.

Unknown said...

I don't write people off. Period.

But life sucks right now, really sucks.

So, i apologize for not remembering every conversation I've had in the last 3 years.

Anonymous said...

You are right. I guess our friendship was just a MOOT POINT.

Unknown said...

OK, I know who you are and this is NOT the place for this conversation. You really want to talk then e-mail me @ riley.emily@gmail.com

Kelly said...

WOW! I am blown away by your organizational prowess! You seriously need to start blogging all of your tips and tricks. Martha Stewart has nothing on you, my dear- more please!

Actually, now that I think about it- blog it, but also come to my house ;)