01 April 2009


A list of random thoughts that keep floating around in my head bumping into one another...

- I had one of the best weekends ever this past weekend. Off work early on Friday then dancing Friday night, A Lindy workshop Saturday (where I learned so much!) with a dance Saturday night, then Sunday...well, Sunday was just like a breath of fresh air. New friends, a yummy lunch and a great play.

- I have two weddings to go to in May. I really wish I didn't have to go dateless.

- I still have boxes left to unpack. I can't wait to be totally settled in my new house. I still need a stove, the internet turned on, and eventually a new living room set.

- I REALLY need a vacation, just to get away for a while. But vacations are no fun to go on alone, so I guess that will have to wait a while.

- I bought some new dance shoes yesterday. I am so excited. I can't for them to get here and to get a chance to use them :D [Picture]

- I wish that guys weren't so confusing.

- I miss conversation, talking to another human being.


RebeccaG said...

Love the shoes... tempted to order some myself...

Mrs. Filly said...

you are a dancing queen it sounds like! :) now one question what's Lindy?..I really need vacation too...but...i've got way too much relying on my income right now so :) no luck hope you get those boxes unpacked and you get settled soon