Me, according to a test.
See my Personality Profile
15 December 2009
11 December 2009
Oxymoron.... or maybe just moron.
I'm not usually a fan of gross generalizations. And I'm sure I'll come back and amend this soon, once I've calmed down a bit. But, lets just say that right now I'm feeling as though there is no such thing as an honest man. I'm so hurt.
Lesson learned.
Lesson learned.
07 December 2009
Channel surfing my brain.... hang ten and hang on.
-Life has been rather interesting as of late. I've had hurt come from highly unexpected places and encouragement hit me so hard it nearly knocked me off my feet. It was a case of being emotionally being hit so hard you end up lying on your back with the wind knocked out of you..... only to have an unexpected hand help you up.; a whirlwind of emotions. But I suppose that all's well that ends well.
-I'm thoroughly enjoying my first Christmas living at my new house. One of my trees is up (the other will have to wait until next year, for it goes in the unfinished library). It is lovely to walk in the door, flip the switch by front door and have the room light up with Christmas cheer :) My tree is all red and gold and I add just a few new ornaments each year. This year I added some big beautiful flower ornaments.
-I finally convinced my dad, my boss, to get a new computer for work. It is now here and set up and i'm unable to say how much easier this makes my life. No more opening up the billing software, then going to the bank while it opens. Things took forever... and when I say things, I mean EVERY thing. This one is amazing; not to mention adorable. Now if I can just save up enough to get one at my own house.. ha.
-I think that wedding come in waves, almost like the flu. Now don't get me wrong. I'm so happy for all of my married friends. And I love to celebrate in that happiness. But I'm about to hit another wave. I can feel the symptoms coming. Serious relationships, ring talk, engagements. I think somehow its related to my fridge. I'll fill it up with shower, bachelorette, lingerie and wedding invites.... Then almost immediately after I take them down I have another batch to go up. There have been 16 in 3 years. about 10-11 in 1 of those years. There are two more coming up soon... I will have a date to at least one of them. I had a date to two of the others but was blown off both times... how lovely. It isn't that I don't want them to have someone... it is just that I'd like to be with someone as well.
-I was able to do a little dancing Saturday night. It wasn't a ton of dancing, but still.... it was like coming up for a breath of fresh air. I had forgotten how much i enjoy it; how I'm unable to be anything but happy when I dance. I really need to get back into that again.... to find a place up here in Birmingham where I can dance. I'd love to find a partner and learn some Latin dances, but I'd also love to just go somewhere and dance with lots of different people. I even have a pair of truly awesome dancing shoes, some Aris Allen's I got on sale almost a year ago, that have NEVER been worn. That is almost sinful I'm pretty sure. Beautiful, unworn dancing shoes. How sad.
-I got a new cookbook for Christmas. It has some recipes that look amazing. I can't wait to dig into that and learn some new things.
I guess that is all for now, I'm at work and would love to go home.
-I'm thoroughly enjoying my first Christmas living at my new house. One of my trees is up (the other will have to wait until next year, for it goes in the unfinished library). It is lovely to walk in the door, flip the switch by front door and have the room light up with Christmas cheer :) My tree is all red and gold and I add just a few new ornaments each year. This year I added some big beautiful flower ornaments.
-I finally convinced my dad, my boss, to get a new computer for work. It is now here and set up and i'm unable to say how much easier this makes my life. No more opening up the billing software, then going to the bank while it opens. Things took forever... and when I say things, I mean EVERY thing. This one is amazing; not to mention adorable. Now if I can just save up enough to get one at my own house.. ha.
-I think that wedding come in waves, almost like the flu. Now don't get me wrong. I'm so happy for all of my married friends. And I love to celebrate in that happiness. But I'm about to hit another wave. I can feel the symptoms coming. Serious relationships, ring talk, engagements. I think somehow its related to my fridge. I'll fill it up with shower, bachelorette, lingerie and wedding invites.... Then almost immediately after I take them down I have another batch to go up. There have been 16 in 3 years. about 10-11 in 1 of those years. There are two more coming up soon... I will have a date to at least one of them. I had a date to two of the others but was blown off both times... how lovely. It isn't that I don't want them to have someone... it is just that I'd like to be with someone as well.
-I was able to do a little dancing Saturday night. It wasn't a ton of dancing, but still.... it was like coming up for a breath of fresh air. I had forgotten how much i enjoy it; how I'm unable to be anything but happy when I dance. I really need to get back into that again.... to find a place up here in Birmingham where I can dance. I'd love to find a partner and learn some Latin dances, but I'd also love to just go somewhere and dance with lots of different people. I even have a pair of truly awesome dancing shoes, some Aris Allen's I got on sale almost a year ago, that have NEVER been worn. That is almost sinful I'm pretty sure. Beautiful, unworn dancing shoes. How sad.
-I got a new cookbook for Christmas. It has some recipes that look amazing. I can't wait to dig into that and learn some new things.
I guess that is all for now, I'm at work and would love to go home.
08 October 2009
Lyrics to think about...
So... I don't know about you (whoever you are reading this) but I get in definite music moods. I was in a Norah Jones mood for a while, then it was Joss Stone, and for a while it was Jem; but right now it is big band, swing, jazz, vocal, etc.... That being said I pulled out some stuff I hadn't listened to in quite some time and I ran across two particular songs. Now i've danced to these songs more times than I can possibly count, but I don't suppose I've ever just sat there and contemplated the lyrics. After said contemplation I have decided that one of these songs I love and one I absolutely hate.
Get this... Actual lyrics.... "you're nobody till somebody loves you, so find yourself somebody to love." I have two major problems with this line of thinking.
a) Seriously?... no really, seriously? According to this particular thinking I mean nothing, I am nobody unless some other person decides I am. What is that all about? Unfortunately most of the people in my life think this way. 'What? You graduated valedictorian, were the first in your family to graduate college and own your own house at 23? oh.... wait.... you're single. I'm sorry but that means you are a failure. Success for a woman = marriage' I hate that.... and must admit that i seriously disagree
b) Who says that just because you love someone that they will love you back? In my personal opinion that is not how it works. Love doesn't return very easily.
Second song lyrics: From the song "My Baby Just Cares for Me"
"My baby don't care who knows, My baby just cares for me" I don't have a whole lot to say about this. I just really really liked it. I love the idea of being loved by someone who doesn't care who knows that we love each other, who doesn't care if people know he is with me..... Man, just to dream...
Get this... Actual lyrics.... "you're nobody till somebody loves you, so find yourself somebody to love." I have two major problems with this line of thinking.
a) Seriously?... no really, seriously? According to this particular thinking I mean nothing, I am nobody unless some other person decides I am. What is that all about? Unfortunately most of the people in my life think this way. 'What? You graduated valedictorian, were the first in your family to graduate college and own your own house at 23? oh.... wait.... you're single. I'm sorry but that means you are a failure. Success for a woman = marriage' I hate that.... and must admit that i seriously disagree
b) Who says that just because you love someone that they will love you back? In my personal opinion that is not how it works. Love doesn't return very easily.
Second song lyrics: From the song "My Baby Just Cares for Me"
"My baby don't care who knows, My baby just cares for me" I don't have a whole lot to say about this. I just really really liked it. I love the idea of being loved by someone who doesn't care who knows that we love each other, who doesn't care if people know he is with me..... Man, just to dream...
24 September 2009
24 things about an average 24 year old.
Ok... so I have been doing some serious thinking lately. I am more than a little angry. Mostly at myself. I started out confident and vivacious and strong in who I was. But over the years my need to be a "people pleaser" has ruined that. I let so many people strip bits and pieces of me away so that I would fit in their tiny little box, the box they thought I should be in. I allowed it to make them happy, but more often than not those same people threw the box away (the same box they seemed to have wanted, the same box they wanted me in) when it didn't fit into their lives just the way they thought it would. So what good was it to go through all the pain of making myself what they wanted if they didn't want it after all?
After years and years of shaving of pieces (and sometimes throwing away huge hunks) in order to "fix" me I've been left with almost nothing left. I'm tired and hurt and angry and well.... fed up. I'm done. I've had enough.
God is my center and my core. That has never changed. He is the one, the only one, that I will be allowing to fix me.
From here on out I'm going to unashamedly just be me and I'm reclaiming (or admitting for the first time) some of the idiosyncrasies about myself.
Good, bad, ugly or indifferent.... I'm me. Take me or leave.
After years and years of shaving of pieces (and sometimes throwing away huge hunks) in order to "fix" me I've been left with almost nothing left. I'm tired and hurt and angry and well.... fed up. I'm done. I've had enough.
God is my center and my core. That has never changed. He is the one, the only one, that I will be allowing to fix me.
From here on out I'm going to unashamedly just be me and I'm reclaiming (or admitting for the first time) some of the idiosyncrasies about myself.
Good, bad, ugly or indifferent.... I'm me. Take me or leave.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A list about me:
- I love a good list. I make them any chance I get. And if they are somehow color coded... All the better.
- I keep my house spotless (or at least I try) but somehow, my car is always, always, horrible. I think that everyone should have somewhere that isn't perfect... just to keep you sane. A junk drawer, a closet (reference "Friends"), or, in my case, the car.
- I love to dance. LOVE.
- I'm not very good at dancing.
- I like my eyebrows. They are not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. But they remind me of the women in my family. My left one has a giant gap (just like my mother's), forcing me to do a trump-like comb over. And they frame my face so that I look a lot like my grandmother
- Sunkists are my drug of choice. Literally. They impair my judgment and make me say things i wouldn't normally say. I have to drink them sparingly.
- I love to organize. Anything that can be organized.
- I like to wear lots of jewelry. Big and bold, In style or not, its just me. I prefer inexpensive jewelry though. I don't trust myself with the other.
- I'm insanely shy in groups larger that 2.
- I think ladybugs are weird. I'm not a fan.
- Poached eggs are my favorite type of eggs
- I think cheese goes with almost everything.
- People who drugs make me livid. Throwing away good health like that. I would kill to be healthy, to not have to take meds every day.
- I don't like steamed green beans. They are squeaky when you chew them.
- My dentist makes me use a children's toothbrush because my mouth is too small for a regular one. My current one is Hello Kitty
- I can't stand celery. I don't think i could make myself swallow it no matter what you put on it. I'd rather eat grass.
- I tend to find a shirt i like and then buy it in several colors (sorry, ashley).
- When I wear yellow gold jewelry I feel more sassy.... Almost Lola-ish. I've been wearing it more often as of late. :)
- I have a hard time remembering names, but numbers are a totally different thing. i weirdly remember long complicated ones.
- I have an annoying laugh when i get really tickled. Its loud, cartoonish and completely uncontrollable.
- I read slowly. I love to read and was an English major, but I read slowly. In fact, on my ACT I scored much higher in math than in English.
- I would die without my planner... OK, not literally die, but It helps me so much. I've used one since I was 13. I get so excited about buying my new one each January. (well, to be honest I start looking for it in December)
- My hair is naturally wavy/curly.
- I don't like fish. It isn't that i necessarily dislike the taste. I don't think its wrong or anything, it just bothers me. Now, I'm not a vegetarian by any standard. I love me some meat and have no problems eating it. But there is just something about eating fish.
21 September 2009
Chicken Soup, Onions and Tears
I woke up on Sunday morning late for church. :( So, I decided to make some chicken soup and take it to my sick dad. I got out my Betty Crocker cookbook (A book that has previously been used more as a decoration than as an actual cook book.) and followed the recipe (ish). It turned out pretty good. My dad loved it. While I am excited that my first foray into the wonderful world of soups was a success, that isn't really my point here.
I was cutting the onion required in the recipe. I have a love/hate relationship with cutting onions. I love that sound, that crispy crunch, and that feeling as the blade of my knife slides through the layers. It makes me feel like I have some reason for being in the kitchen, like I almost know what I'm doing. But soon thereafter, only two or three crunches into cutting my eyes begin pouring....the hate part of that relationship. And I tried to wipe the tears with my sleeve I began to think.... Who was the first person to cut open an onion, begin to cry uncontrollably, and then think "Hmmm, I bet this would taste good." I wish I could have been there to see that.
Anyway, I think that about a lot of foods I like. Am I alone in this? Does anyone else out there think that about a particular food? Let me know. I'd love to hear.
I was cutting the onion required in the recipe. I have a love/hate relationship with cutting onions. I love that sound, that crispy crunch, and that feeling as the blade of my knife slides through the layers. It makes me feel like I have some reason for being in the kitchen, like I almost know what I'm doing. But soon thereafter, only two or three crunches into cutting my eyes begin pouring....the hate part of that relationship. And I tried to wipe the tears with my sleeve I began to think.... Who was the first person to cut open an onion, begin to cry uncontrollably, and then think "Hmmm, I bet this would taste good." I wish I could have been there to see that.
Anyway, I think that about a lot of foods I like. Am I alone in this? Does anyone else out there think that about a particular food? Let me know. I'd love to hear.
11 September 2009
I will not be moved!
I'm not usually a big fan of posting song lyrics... but this particular one really has moved me, so I thought i'd share.
I have been the wayward child
I have acted out
I have questioned Sovereignty
And had my share of doubt
And though sometimes my prayers feel like
They're bouncing off the sky
The hand I hold won't let me go
And is the reason why...
I will stumble
I will fall down
But I will not be moved
I will make mistakes
I will face heartache
But I will not be moved
On Christ the Solid Rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
I will not be moved
Bitterness has plagued my heart
Many times before
My life has been like broken glass
And I have kept the score
Of all my shattered dreams and though it seemed
That I was far too gone
My brokenness helped me to see
It's grace I'm standing on
And the chaos in my life
Has been a badge I've worn
Though I have been torn
I will not be moved
I have been the wayward child
I have acted out
I have questioned Sovereignty
And had my share of doubt
And though sometimes my prayers feel like
They're bouncing off the sky
The hand I hold won't let me go
And is the reason why...
I will stumble
I will fall down
But I will not be moved
I will make mistakes
I will face heartache
But I will not be moved
On Christ the Solid Rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
I will not be moved
Bitterness has plagued my heart
Many times before
My life has been like broken glass
And I have kept the score
Of all my shattered dreams and though it seemed
That I was far too gone
My brokenness helped me to see
It's grace I'm standing on
And the chaos in my life
Has been a badge I've worn
Though I have been torn
I will not be moved
24 August 2009
I'm 24.... so what now?
So, hmm... what to update...
-birthday: Yeah I had another birthday. It was quiet and simple. Just dinner with my family. Sometimes the no fuss birthdays are best. We grilled out hamburgers. (and when I say we I mean my dad because all I did was chop the tomatoes and onions and tear the lettuce :) ) But it was super yummy. I love the taste of my dad's hamburgers and super-sweet, sweet tea on a warm summer evening. I love the way you can eat a certain thing and be magically taken on a journey down memory lane. I eat those hamburgers and I'm 6 years old when things are simple, the yard is a hunting ground and there are never enough lightening bugs to catch.
-cleaning: I've been cleaning like a wild woman lately. I tend to clean when I am frustrated or stressed. It gives me time to think and I end up physically cleaning my house at the same time that I emotionally clean up. Well, I woke up Saturday morning (EARLY morning - like 1:00am early.) so incredibly frustrated that I started to clean.... I cleaned anything in my house that would sit still long enough to be cleaned and then ran out of things to clean. I then went over to my parent's house and cleaned / organized their junk room and made it a multi-purpose storage/reading/dressing room. I know that sounds like an odd combination. But it seems to work. It is what my mother wanted it to be. Anyway, Even with all that cleaning I'm still frustrated and all I seem to have gotten out of it is a pulled muscle in my back and my laundry finished. I think I need to have a talk with a few people. There are some things I think cleaning may not be big enough for.
music: Everynow and again I find some old music I haven't listened to in a while and remember just how much I loved it. Right now that is happening with all my Melody Gardot and Norah Jones stuff. I forget where I first heard Melody Gardot, she isn't extremely mainstream, but her story is just as amazing as her music. She was hit by a car and actually first started song writing as a therapy. Check out some of her stuff if you can.
Well, I suppose that is all for now. I need to head to the bank, then the store on my way home. (My fan broke and MUST be replaced.)
Oh, pray for a friend of mine if you will. Thanks.
-birthday: Yeah I had another birthday. It was quiet and simple. Just dinner with my family. Sometimes the no fuss birthdays are best. We grilled out hamburgers. (and when I say we I mean my dad because all I did was chop the tomatoes and onions and tear the lettuce :) ) But it was super yummy. I love the taste of my dad's hamburgers and super-sweet, sweet tea on a warm summer evening. I love the way you can eat a certain thing and be magically taken on a journey down memory lane. I eat those hamburgers and I'm 6 years old when things are simple, the yard is a hunting ground and there are never enough lightening bugs to catch.
-cleaning: I've been cleaning like a wild woman lately. I tend to clean when I am frustrated or stressed. It gives me time to think and I end up physically cleaning my house at the same time that I emotionally clean up. Well, I woke up Saturday morning (EARLY morning - like 1:00am early.) so incredibly frustrated that I started to clean.... I cleaned anything in my house that would sit still long enough to be cleaned and then ran out of things to clean. I then went over to my parent's house and cleaned / organized their junk room and made it a multi-purpose storage/reading/dressing room. I know that sounds like an odd combination. But it seems to work. It is what my mother wanted it to be. Anyway, Even with all that cleaning I'm still frustrated and all I seem to have gotten out of it is a pulled muscle in my back and my laundry finished. I think I need to have a talk with a few people. There are some things I think cleaning may not be big enough for.
music: Everynow and again I find some old music I haven't listened to in a while and remember just how much I loved it. Right now that is happening with all my Melody Gardot and Norah Jones stuff. I forget where I first heard Melody Gardot, she isn't extremely mainstream, but her story is just as amazing as her music. She was hit by a car and actually first started song writing as a therapy. Check out some of her stuff if you can.
Well, I suppose that is all for now. I need to head to the bank, then the store on my way home. (My fan broke and MUST be replaced.)
Oh, pray for a friend of mine if you will. Thanks.
04 August 2009
Two weeks till.
Not much to post today.
Went back to the doctor yesterday. Still have an ear infection. I'm tired of feeling dizzy. I wish it would just go away. I also have an eye doctor appointment and a dentist appointment this month... Lots of co-pays :(
I think I need to go away somewhere... Just read, write, sleep, whatever... just so long as I get some true rest. Its been far too long since I've had any. That probably has something to with why I can't shake being sick lately. Oh well, I highly doubt any trip is in my future, but it is nice to dream. :)
I guess that is all for now. Later. :)
Went back to the doctor yesterday. Still have an ear infection. I'm tired of feeling dizzy. I wish it would just go away. I also have an eye doctor appointment and a dentist appointment this month... Lots of co-pays :(
I think I need to go away somewhere... Just read, write, sleep, whatever... just so long as I get some true rest. Its been far too long since I've had any. That probably has something to with why I can't shake being sick lately. Oh well, I highly doubt any trip is in my future, but it is nice to dream. :)
I guess that is all for now. Later. :)
27 July 2009

I decided to rest this weekend. Partially because I really needed the rest and partially because I have an ear infection and had a stomach bug all day Sunday. (oh the fun). Anyway, while I was resting I decided to watch a movie. I've had it for a while but was trying to save it for a date night. But, lets face reality.. that isn't happening for quite a while so I just decided to go ahead and watch it :) I'm really glad I did; for two reasons. One: It was a really good movie. Two: I sobbed all throughout it. Not exactly great for a date :) Oh, The movie was P.S. I Love You. You should totally watch it if you haven't already. Warning, watch it with tissues.
I picked up a pen this morning, wrote with it for a few minutes then noticed it was broken and leaking all over my hands. They are very blue at the moment :) Very smerf-like. Just thought I'd mention a bit of randomness.
I found this picture the other day. It made me smile. I don't really remember this particular picture being taken. In fact I don't even know where I was. East Lake Park maybe? Anyway, the happy memory is of the shirt I'm wearing in the picture. It was the shirt I learned to tie a bow on. I was sitting in Mrs. McCombs K-5 class in reading circle. I was listening to a particularly boring story and i realized that the drawstring around the waist of the shirt was untied. It bugged me SO badly. I had been trying for a long time but hadn't been successful. But it was at this particular time that I was overcome with a bout of stubborn-ness and determination. Well, it worked and I tied my first bow :) I was so excited. However, my excitement almost immediately turned to disappointment when I realized that since we were in reading circle and I was suppose to be paying attention, I couldn't tell anyone of my triumph. It was a very bittersweet moment ;)
Well I guess that is all for now.
Oh. 19 days.
21 July 2009
25 till 24
My birthday is coming up soon so I decided to share some things about myself... weird facts, memories, pictures, etc...
I will be turning 24 on August 15. - Scary. I have several things on my ''to do'' list that I am suppose to have completed by the time I'm 25; things I'm not even close to completing. I guess I really need to get a jump on things.
Anyway... let's see... what to share today. Oh, here are a couple of pictures of my family. The most recent ones we have. They were some of the ones we had taken as a Christmas gift for my grandfather.
The picture to the left is of my parents, my aunt, uncle and cousin. For those who don't know about my fairly odd family... My dad
and uncle are brothers while my mom and aunt are sisters. brothers married sisters. This makes my cousin my double-first cousin. Literally, the closest thing to a sister that I have.
The picture to the right is another picture of my cousin and I taken on the same day. Isn't she beautiful?
I have a weird thing about alphabetizing. Even my movies and my spices are set up in alphabetical order. It isn't a weird thing, It is just fun to me. I'm such a dork. But someone has to be a dork, or else how would "normal" people know that they are normal?
I guess that is all for now... not much meat to this post. More later...
I will be turning 24 on August 15. - Scary. I have several things on my ''to do'' list that I am suppose to have completed by the time I'm 25; things I'm not even close to completing. I guess I really need to get a jump on things.
Anyway... let's see... what to share today. Oh, here are a couple of pictures of my family. The most recent ones we have. They were some of the ones we had taken as a Christmas gift for my grandfather.

The picture to the left is of my parents, my aunt, uncle and cousin. For those who don't know about my fairly odd family... My dad

The picture to the right is another picture of my cousin and I taken on the same day. Isn't she beautiful?
I have a weird thing about alphabetizing. Even my movies and my spices are set up in alphabetical order. It isn't a weird thing, It is just fun to me. I'm such a dork. But someone has to be a dork, or else how would "normal" people know that they are normal?
I guess that is all for now... not much meat to this post. More later...
20 July 2009
I went down to Auburn this weekend for a break from this thing called life. I had, for the most part, a fabulous time. I have two great friends who let me stay with them so I wouldn't have to pay for a hotel room. (Thanks you guys! - It helped a ton). The reason for my visit specifically was to go to the Auburn Knight's reunion. While the music there was great, as usual, it was a bit of a let down. I barely got to do any dancing at all. But oh well, there is always next year.
However, Saturday afternoon was absolutely perfect... I slept until noon. then got up and went to the Arboretum. I love that place. I fed the turtles and the fish. :) Then I went and parked myself under a couple of nice shady trees. I read for a while. It was warm outside, but there was a breeze blowing (bringing a sweet smell for some flowers close by). I couldn't help myself... I fell asleep. I woke up and went and got a shaved ice. The afternoon doesn't get much better than that.
I went to the Knight's reunion again that evening. TOTal disappointment. But when I left there, I went to see The Proposal with Laura. Cute movie, total chick flick. (probably not the best idea for me to see, but it was cute anyway).
Here are a couple of pictures from Father's day. My cousin and I made lunch for the whole family. It was the first time the whole family ate at my new beautiful table. The other picture is of me and my grandfather.
However, Saturday afternoon was absolutely perfect... I slept until noon. then got up and went to the Arboretum. I love that place. I fed the turtles and the fish. :) Then I went and parked myself under a couple of nice shady trees. I read for a while. It was warm outside, but there was a breeze blowing (bringing a sweet smell for some flowers close by). I couldn't help myself... I fell asleep. I woke up and went and got a shaved ice. The afternoon doesn't get much better than that.
I went to the Knight's reunion again that evening. TOTal disappointment. But when I left there, I went to see The Proposal with Laura. Cute movie, total chick flick. (probably not the best idea for me to see, but it was cute anyway).
Here are a couple of pictures from Father's day. My cousin and I made lunch for the whole family. It was the first time the whole family ate at my new beautiful table. The other picture is of me and my grandfather.

08 July 2009
home - the process
It has been over a month since I've updated this thing... so much for that whole "i'm going to keep this regularly updated" goal.
I'm in my house (as I mentioned before). I don't however have many pictures of it as it is now. (due to my lack of camera problem) Here are pictures of the whole process though... in case you are interested. [PICTURES] I'll get some more pictures up when I can take some.
I'm in my house (as I mentioned before). I don't however have many pictures of it as it is now. (due to my lack of camera problem) Here are pictures of the whole process though... in case you are interested. [PICTURES] I'll get some more pictures up when I can take some.
07 May 2009
An update... some pretty boring stuff.
So, I think it about time to update this thing.
--My house: So, I'm starting to get settled into my house. Pictures are up, curtains are hung. Well, everywhere but my room. That was the room that got neglected at my trailer in Auburn. I lived there for three years and it didn't ever get finished. I am determined to not let that happen here. I've decided to get black out curtains, but I'm not sure what color. I got some red ones for my living room and I love them. I also need to get some artwork for my bedroom. There is quite a bit of wall space and it is almost completely blank. But I am so picky about what I put on my walls, especially in my bedroom. Pretty isn't quite good enough.. it has to mean something. My dining room table is finished being built, I just have to find chairs and have it painted. I can't wait!!! I finally got a stove. My kitchen no longer looks incomplete. The gas line isn't run yet though... so it isn't actually working. Soon though...
--Schedules: Things have been completely crazy with me lately. Well, the weekends anyway. Yard Sale (April 25), Spring Fling (May 2), Graduation/Mother's Day (May 9), Wedding (May 16), Wedding (May 23), Dinner(May 30), Possible Spring fling again (June 6).... Craziness. I'm not sure I'll do the June 6 thing though... I really just need a vacation and I'm not sure how much longer I can go at full speed. Long weekend on a Lake somewhere, good book and a box of Kleenex sounds pretty much perfect. The weeks are pretty boring though... just me and my dog.
--My car: almost back. I'm driving it, but it is not running at all like it should. But it is getting there, one step at a time.
--Hobby: I've started making jewelry now. Partially as something to do to, partially because I spent far too much money buying something that I though I could make for cheaper. Well, as it turns out people apparently like it. I have two stores that approached me and want to sell it. I haven't decided if I want to do that though... It is a huge commitment. I don't know... something to think about.
Well, that is all for now.
--My house: So, I'm starting to get settled into my house. Pictures are up, curtains are hung. Well, everywhere but my room. That was the room that got neglected at my trailer in Auburn. I lived there for three years and it didn't ever get finished. I am determined to not let that happen here. I've decided to get black out curtains, but I'm not sure what color. I got some red ones for my living room and I love them. I also need to get some artwork for my bedroom. There is quite a bit of wall space and it is almost completely blank. But I am so picky about what I put on my walls, especially in my bedroom. Pretty isn't quite good enough.. it has to mean something. My dining room table is finished being built, I just have to find chairs and have it painted. I can't wait!!! I finally got a stove. My kitchen no longer looks incomplete. The gas line isn't run yet though... so it isn't actually working. Soon though...
--Schedules: Things have been completely crazy with me lately. Well, the weekends anyway. Yard Sale (April 25), Spring Fling (May 2), Graduation/Mother's Day (May 9), Wedding (May 16), Wedding (May 23), Dinner(May 30), Possible Spring fling again (June 6).... Craziness. I'm not sure I'll do the June 6 thing though... I really just need a vacation and I'm not sure how much longer I can go at full speed. Long weekend on a Lake somewhere, good book and a box of Kleenex sounds pretty much perfect. The weeks are pretty boring though... just me and my dog.
--My car: almost back. I'm driving it, but it is not running at all like it should. But it is getting there, one step at a time.
--Hobby: I've started making jewelry now. Partially as something to do to, partially because I spent far too much money buying something that I though I could make for cheaper. Well, as it turns out people apparently like it. I have two stores that approached me and want to sell it. I haven't decided if I want to do that though... It is a huge commitment. I don't know... something to think about.
Well, that is all for now.
28 April 2009
Retail Therapy
So, I have an insane amount of things to do today... but before any of that happens... I think a little retail therapy is in order. I have 2 weddings coming up soon that I have nothing to wear to. Everything here at work is caught up and my house is fairly clean (exception - laundry), so I'm off to have a little fun.
16 April 2009
01 April 2009
A list of random thoughts that keep floating around in my head bumping into one another...
- I had one of the best weekends ever this past weekend. Off work early on Friday then dancing Friday night, A Lindy workshop Saturday (where I learned so much!) with a dance Saturday night, then Sunday...well, Sunday was just like a breath of fresh air. New friends, a yummy lunch and a great play.
- I have two weddings to go to in May. I really wish I didn't have to go dateless.
- I still have boxes left to unpack. I can't wait to be totally settled in my new house. I still need a stove, the internet turned on, and eventually a new living room set.
- I REALLY need a vacation, just to get away for a while. But vacations are no fun to go on alone, so I guess that will have to wait a while.
- I bought some new dance shoes yesterday. I am so excited. I can't for them to get here and to get a chance to use them :D [Picture]
- I wish that guys weren't so confusing.
- I miss conversation, talking to another human being.
- I had one of the best weekends ever this past weekend. Off work early on Friday then dancing Friday night, A Lindy workshop Saturday (where I learned so much!) with a dance Saturday night, then Sunday...well, Sunday was just like a breath of fresh air. New friends, a yummy lunch and a great play.
- I have two weddings to go to in May. I really wish I didn't have to go dateless.
- I still have boxes left to unpack. I can't wait to be totally settled in my new house. I still need a stove, the internet turned on, and eventually a new living room set.
- I REALLY need a vacation, just to get away for a while. But vacations are no fun to go on alone, so I guess that will have to wait a while.
- I bought some new dance shoes yesterday. I am so excited. I can't for them to get here and to get a chance to use them :D [Picture]
- I wish that guys weren't so confusing.
- I miss conversation, talking to another human being.
02 March 2009
70 degrees and snowy
During my first week in my new house I had both beautiful sunny 70 degree weather and I had snow!!! Here are some pictures of my house in the snow
28 February 2009
A Thought On Love
So, I heard a quote in a movie last night. I'm interested in getting some opinions on it.
"Sometimes love isn't fireworks. Sometimes love just comes softly."
Thoughts? Please comment...
"Sometimes love isn't fireworks. Sometimes love just comes softly."
Thoughts? Please comment...
23 February 2009
I'm In!
It has finally happened. I was beginning to wonder and doubt if it would ever happen, but indeed it has! I officially moved into my new house yesterday. Last night I slept in my own bed in my own room in my own house! It was absolutely fabulous. My head hit the pillow... and eight glorious hours later, I woke up :) I assumed I would have a somewhat uneasy first night, but I was wrong. Charlie stayed in his room and didn't bark once! (which was really quite shocking) I still have a car load of things to take over from my parents house... all the things I have been living off of while I stayed with them. But for the most part, I am moved in.
Thanks to eveyone who has kept me in their prayers lately. :)
Pictures to come soon
Thanks to eveyone who has kept me in their prayers lately. :)
Pictures to come soon
18 February 2009
A Brief Update.
--- My house is livable now. I could move in tomorrow if I wanted. And I am completely excited!!!! I still do not have a stove or a couch, but this is simply because I haven't gone to pick one. Here are some pictures of the house to date.
--- The puppies will be ready to go to a good home on March 2. There are three. Two girls and one boy; all of them are mostly white with a few brown spots. And they are all absolutely precious. So, if anyone wants a puppy just let me know.
--- I've been doing some reading lately. I've been in a big John Grisham mood. I read The Broker last week, finished it, and immediately started reading The Appeal. I haven't finished The Appeal yet but so far it is fabulous. I couldn't sleep so I picked it up to read and didn't stop reading until it was 2am and I was 130 pages in. I love being able to read for fun :)
--- There is a possibility I may get to go to a show in Atlanta this weekend. I'm quite excited about that. But at the same time, I'm trying not to get my hopes up...
That is all I'll bore you with for now :)
--- The puppies will be ready to go to a good home on March 2. There are three. Two girls and one boy; all of them are mostly white with a few brown spots. And they are all absolutely precious. So, if anyone wants a puppy just let me know.
--- I've been doing some reading lately. I've been in a big John Grisham mood. I read The Broker last week, finished it, and immediately started reading The Appeal. I haven't finished The Appeal yet but so far it is fabulous. I couldn't sleep so I picked it up to read and didn't stop reading until it was 2am and I was 130 pages in. I love being able to read for fun :)
--- There is a possibility I may get to go to a show in Atlanta this weekend. I'm quite excited about that. But at the same time, I'm trying not to get my hopes up...
That is all I'll bore you with for now :)
08 February 2009
Just thought I'd update a few things...
...My Aunt: She is doing much better. She got to go home a few days ago. She'll be doing physical therapy twice a week for quite a while, but she is at home :) Thanks for praying. Please continue to do so. There is still a long way to go :)
...My House :D All the plumbing got fixed yesterday. (Yay!!) So, now moving is right around the corner. I need to find a couch and love seat (Or perhaps a couch and 2 chairs... haven't decided yet...any opinions?) and I'm trying to figure out what tv to get.
So I guess not much is going on, but yet so much is going on.... more later :)
...My Aunt: She is doing much better. She got to go home a few days ago. She'll be doing physical therapy twice a week for quite a while, but she is at home :) Thanks for praying. Please continue to do so. There is still a long way to go :)
...My House :D All the plumbing got fixed yesterday. (Yay!!) So, now moving is right around the corner. I need to find a couch and love seat (Or perhaps a couch and 2 chairs... haven't decided yet...any opinions?) and I'm trying to figure out what tv to get.
So I guess not much is going on, but yet so much is going on.... more later :)
05 February 2009
February celebrations
So, I've decided to look for some fun holidays this month that do not point out the fact that I am single... Here is what I've found so far:)
February is...
...Library Lovers Month
...National mend a broken heart month
...Dump your significant jerk week (7-13)
...Jell-o week (8-14)
...International flirting week (9-15)
...Random acts of kindness week (11-17)
...International friendship week (17-23)
...National pancake week (22-28)
...Wear red day (6)
...National gum drop day (15)
So I'm going to celebrate :D
February is...
...Library Lovers Month
...National mend a broken heart month
...Dump your significant jerk week (7-13)
...Jell-o week (8-14)
...International flirting week (9-15)
...Random acts of kindness week (11-17)
...International friendship week (17-23)
...National pancake week (22-28)
...Wear red day (6)
...National gum drop day (15)
So I'm going to celebrate :D
30 January 2009
Memory Lane

So, those of you who facebook have inevitably seen the "25 random things about me" note floating around. It got me thinking and I decided to post some random pictures of me that remind me of funny (if, perhaps only to me) stories that accompany them. I hope you enjoy... but if not, I at least had a great time meandering down memory lane.
<---The first picture is of me at about 6 months old. I was born with a thick head of jet black hair... and then bit by bit i lost it ALL and was blad for quite some time. My mother tells me that she would take my hat off and there would just be big chucks of hair in them. My hair did

--->This is not a particularly clear picture, but it one of the few I could find that had me with this stuffed animal. His name was Marzipan. And he was one of my absolute favorites. I got him for Easter when I was two, or near to two.

<--- I was about four here as well. Our family (me, my parents, my aunt and uncle, and once they had her, my cousin) all would go to the beach

--->I was five here. The picture itself isn't that special, but I remember the day quite well. My mom wanted some black and white pictures of me so she had me dress up in all sorts of outfits and she took my picture... a lot. I remember liking this one and one where i put on as many pieces of jewelry as I could find. I think she has that one framed in her house.

--->This was also when I was in the first grade. It was the only year I actually took dance lessons. I decided to take piano instead because my 6 year old brain thought it was more practical. I danced in the recital to 2 numbers Tap - the song was "five foot two" and ballet - the song was "mickey mouse's birthday party" Yes, I thought the song was stupid when I

<--- This was my first time to ever wear hair rollers. I thought I

---> This was nothing but a total and complete Diva moment. But it was out of character for me and I think it is

<---This was a picture of me in kindergarten,

---> When I was in the second grade I got really really sick. It started from an allergic reaction to cigarette smoke (which, by the way I am quite allergic to). I ended up with Microplasma. I would just lay in bed for days at a time not sleeping, just laying. Or I would get up walk across the room, get a book, then be too exhausted to read it so i'd have to rest first. I missed close to

<---The picture on the far left is a picture me dressed up as a doll. I was going to be in my first church musical and I was so excited, but I got sick the day after that picture was taken and never got to be in it. I was however in the next musical. I sang a song.. I don't remember the name of but one of the lines was "down in a creek bank by the old holler log" - That song still gets in my head from

--->These were taken at my seventh birthday party. I was obsessed with Elvis and my dad had a plumber friend who was also an Elvis impersonator. and so I had an Elvis birthday party. I was in absolute Heaven. I liked Elvis so much at this age that I even had Elvis trading cards. Yes, the dorkiness started early with me :)
There are probably more pics with much funnier stories, But these will do for now. Thanks for going down memory lane with me. Hope you enjoyed the ride :)
19 January 2009
Updating 1...2...3...
A list of updates:
1. My Aunt - Doing much better. They determined that it was a medicine she was taking that caused the TIA. They took her off the medicine and gave her some blood thinners and they said that should fix things, well... cause things to not get worse. She is still in SICU and waiting to start physical therapy. She can't walk at the moment nor can she use her right hand well. We are praying just as much that she keep her spirits up and not get depressed.
2. My house - My bed is now in my new house. (Thanks to some wonderful friends). That was a weirdly emotional experience... Sort of a good-bye to an era type of thing. I'm not living at my house yet however, because i have no appliances and therefore no way to eat... well, i guess i could live on raman.... ;) I do have a refrigerator (thanks to a grandfather with an extra fridge in his basement), but it won't be actually in the house until tomorrow.
3. My new diet plan - Knitting. I've decided i stress eat too much so I've taken up knitting as something to do with my hands, something to keep my mind of snacking. I'm bound and determined to be healthier.
Not a long list, but I'm tired and would like some sleep and the house if finally getting quiet :)
1. My Aunt - Doing much better. They determined that it was a medicine she was taking that caused the TIA. They took her off the medicine and gave her some blood thinners and they said that should fix things, well... cause things to not get worse. She is still in SICU and waiting to start physical therapy. She can't walk at the moment nor can she use her right hand well. We are praying just as much that she keep her spirits up and not get depressed.
2. My house - My bed is now in my new house. (Thanks to some wonderful friends). That was a weirdly emotional experience... Sort of a good-bye to an era type of thing. I'm not living at my house yet however, because i have no appliances and therefore no way to eat... well, i guess i could live on raman.... ;) I do have a refrigerator (thanks to a grandfather with an extra fridge in his basement), but it won't be actually in the house until tomorrow.
3. My new diet plan - Knitting. I've decided i stress eat too much so I've taken up knitting as something to do with my hands, something to keep my mind of snacking. I'm bound and determined to be healthier.
Not a long list, but I'm tired and would like some sleep and the house if finally getting quiet :)
16 January 2009
Please Pray
Last night my aunt, the one i am close to, went in the hospital. She had a small stroke and she has some bleeding on the brain and a possible mass in her brain. They are running more tests this morning. She is currently in the ICU. This is all I know at the moment.
my dad is going to be in the hospital today as well. He is having a test done because his heart is not doing well, at all.
It is going to be a long day. I'm at work now getting things lined up for my dad and getting payroll done, etc.. while my mom takes my dad to the hospital... then after i finish here, i have to get ready and go up to the hospital, see my aunt, then bring my dad home, because they have to put him to sleep and he can't drive... get him settled and comfortable here then go back to the hospital.
They are, however, thankfully, at the same hospital.
This is on 3 hours of sleep.
My family and I need all the prayer we can get the next couple of days.
my dad is going to be in the hospital today as well. He is having a test done because his heart is not doing well, at all.
It is going to be a long day. I'm at work now getting things lined up for my dad and getting payroll done, etc.. while my mom takes my dad to the hospital... then after i finish here, i have to get ready and go up to the hospital, see my aunt, then bring my dad home, because they have to put him to sleep and he can't drive... get him settled and comfortable here then go back to the hospital.
They are, however, thankfully, at the same hospital.
This is on 3 hours of sleep.
My family and I need all the prayer we can get the next couple of days.
14 January 2009
Precious Puppies
A couple of years ago someone abandoned this precious little puppy in my dogs pen. She was only about 5 weeks old and it was so cold out side. My parents decided to keep her. Her name is Olive (After Oliver Twist) but we call her Ollie. She is unbelievably sweet natured. Anyway, my dad's dog, a Jack Russel Terrier named Jack, along with Olive are now the proud parents of 5 beautiful puppies, all girls :) Here are some pictures of Olive, Jack and the puppies. They will need a good home in about six weeks... Anyone interested?
11 January 2009
Nerd Flags and New Homes
I never know just how to start these things, so I suppose I'll just dive right in. It has been quite a while since I posted anything here with any sort of meat to it. I had a conversation with a good friend of mine just the other day and he made a logical argument which convinced me to start posting again. This time I'll make an actual effort to post at least semi-regularly. I bought a new book the other day titled The Professor (which I'll mention more about in a moment) written by one of my favorite authors, Charlotte Bronte. There is a quote in chapter one that well describes how I feel about this blog:
"The leisure time I have at command,....I shall now dedicate to that of the public at large. My narrative is not exciting, and above all, not marvellous; but it may interest some individuals, who,....will find in my experience frequent reflections of their own. The above letter will serve as an introduction. I now proceed."
I must now issue a disclaimer for this next section. I am an English major and have a serious nerd flag. I am about to fly that flag high :) I, as previously mentioned, bought a new book just the other day. I had never read it, never even heard of it and I had no idea what it was about. I knew the author and that was about it. Still, I found myself almost unable to sit still because I was so intensely excited. It was not, is not, the book itself that I found myself to be so excited about but rather, the very idea of written word. I find it to be passionately romantic, regardless of the subject matter. I believe that language spoken aloud is a wonderful thing (as anyone who knows me knows full well). However, I also believe that it takes a certain amount of bravery, commitment and thought to put thoughts to paper. It allows people you never know, and may never meet to see you and get to know you. It is an extremely intimate. As William Makepeace Thackeray wrote about Charlotte Bronte: "Which of her readers has not become her friend?" I feel as though I make a new friend each time I read a book. As I read the same book over and over that friend grows with me, teaches me different things. I just find it to be such a beautiful process. Anyway, with that said, and as I lower my nerd flag and put it away for a while I'd like to state that I am enjoying my new book thus far. :)
On a totally different subject. My house is nearing completion. (Yay!) I may even get to move next weekend. I would have moved this weekend but the rain changed my plans. My library shelves will not be built until several weeks after I move, so my friends will have to remain in their boxes for a bit :( I have quite a few pics of the renovation process... it was quite a change. Let me know if you'd like the link to them. I learned a lot in the process and I'm quite glad I did much of it myself rather than having it done. However, I'm also glad the things are coming to a close.
Well, I suppose that is quite a long post, but it has been quite some time and I had more than a few thoughts to share. More to come later. Feel free to comment :)
On a totally different subject. My house is nearing completion. (Yay!) I may even get to move next weekend. I would have moved this weekend but the rain changed my plans. My library shelves will not be built until several weeks after I move, so my friends will have to remain in their boxes for a bit :( I have quite a few pics of the renovation process... it was quite a change. Let me know if you'd like the link to them. I learned a lot in the process and I'm quite glad I did much of it myself rather than having it done. However, I'm also glad the things are coming to a close.
Well, I suppose that is quite a long post, but it has been quite some time and I had more than a few thoughts to share. More to come later. Feel free to comment :)
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